Knowing Jesus, Making Jesus Known

Join us for Sunday worship!  If you’re not able to join us in person, you can still join us virtually at 10:30AM Sundays on Facebook live or by using our dial-in option for worship. You can catch all of our previously recorded services on Facebook or on our YouTube channel, BLLC. 

BLLC Facebook Page

Dial-in to Worship
Join us live for worship by telephone!
Sunday mornings 10:30AM
Dial: 715-472-0890
Enter the following code: 076582#

Contact Us
Phone: 715-472-2535
Church Office Email:

Bone Lake Lutheran Church
1101 255th Avenue
Luck, WI 54853

Sunday Morning Schedule
9:15- Bible Study in the Narthex
9:30 – Sunday School
10:30 – Worship



Driving Directions/Map