
Thank you for supporting Bone Lake Lutheran Church in all the ways that you do.   Your financial gifts enhance the lives people both in and outside our congregation as we help to improve the lives of neighbors in our local and global communities.  Together with our time and talents, financial gifts help Bone Lake Lutheran Church fulfill its mission:   “Knowing Jesus ~ Making Jesus Known”

Bone Lake Lutheran Church provides several ways for you to financially give to the ministries of our congregation.

Cash: You can give cash by placing it in the offering plate during a worship services or by dropping it off at the church office during normal business hours. If you wish to have your cash gifts recorded on your giving statement, please get an envelope from the usher and include you name and contact information.

Check: You may give checks three ways: Place them in the offering plate during the worship service,  drop them off at the church office, or mail them to:  Bone Lake Lutheran Church,  1101 255th Ave.,  Luck, WI  54853

There are two convenient options if you’re interested in electronically giving: Both options allow you to give at regular intervals or as a one-time gift, you can decide how much and how often to give.

  • Through a direct link to Simply Giving (Vanco): Click here to donate.  A quick link to this site can also be found in the colorful cards located in the pews.
  • Direct Debit Giving through your personal bank: Direct debit giving is an electronic funds transfer (EFT) that is fast, secure and a convenient way to give donations directly to Bone Lake Lutheran Church. With your authorization, your bank will automatically withdraw your contributions from either your checking account or your savings account.  Sign-up forms are in our church office. You will need to provide the bank routing number and account number as they appear at the bottom of your check or savings deposit slip. A voided check or slip can be attached to the registration form you get from the church office.

Your support, in any form, is always appreciated.  Thank you so much!